Art in the Dark – “MYTH BUSTER SERIES”
“Art in the Dark” is the 2nd WinVinaya Utsav event to enable an inclusive society. As you know, there are many myths/perceptions on what a person with disability can or cannot do. One is that Person with Visual Impairment cannot do Visual Arts. That is NOT necessarily true. There are pioneers with visual impairment who have created excellent visual arts.
Instead of just showcasing those pioneers and some of their work, we want to experiment and see for ourselves what a person with visual impairment CAN do in visual arts.
First, we had a chat with Mr Sameer Nagi, co-founder of “Anybody Can Paint” on some ideas for this project. We took those ideas and added our flavor to that.
Second, we partnered with Mitra Jyothi (NGO in Bangalore) for “Art in the Dark” project where their candidates with visual impairment, explored their surroundings by touch and feel, then reproduced their experience in canvas. The representatives from WinVinaya provided them with instructions, ideas, and materials for them to create a visual painting to express how they perceive their surroundings. The whole team was divided into pairs of two, with each candidate having a buddy.
Each candidate was given a canvas and a sponge to begin with. With the instructions from their buddies, they colored the canvas blue using a sponge. They then used tac to model the sun and trees they felt in the garden. After that, the used their hands and texture pant to bring to the canvas, what they had felt.
Coloring the canvas was done using paint brush and acrylic colors; each candidate chose a different color for the flowers and fruits in their garden. Some candidates even had their garden decorated with guests; birds, butterflies and even snakes.
The candidates enjoyed the workshop and aided in busting some of the myths associated with persons with Visual Impairment.
See the wonderful final outcome for yourself 🙂
If you have any comments – positive or how we can improve, send us an email to

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